假日季即将来临,面临着房租高,油费高的现实。 很多人今年如果去度假,可能会考虑更便宜的选择,比如在 VRBO 和 Airbnb 等网站上找住宿。然而据 Insider 称,去年夏天 Airbnb 的预订量有所放缓,最近,房东开始质疑其他业主是否开始感受到这种痛苦。 在一个超级房东在线群组中,一位房东问道:“有没有人看到过去三到四个月的预订量大幅下降?我们至少从过去两个月的入住率从 50% 降至 0%。”
看到帖子后,一些房东插话说,这可能是地理位置的原因,但是,在推特上分享该帖子后,非常多的 Airbnb 消费者加入了评论,纷纷提出他们自己的原因,说明为什么房东可能会看到人数下降。
1.许多人表示,对于想要出租避暑别墅或备用卧室的家庭来说, Airbnb 最初是一个可持续且有益健康的想法,但现在在他们看来,当这成为了一门生意,并且为该城市居民准备的房屋被撤出租赁市场时,就破坏了美好的体验:
I loved the concept of AirBnB when it was "rent out your house when you're away" or "rent out your summer home in off-season".
— Erica Gregor (@heavygweit) October 17, 2022
Not when it became a business for people and thousands of homes meant for inhabitants of that city were taken off of the rental market.
2. 在一个消费者更关心对人们的支持以及价值观,而非关心公司本身的时代,从拥有数十套房产的人那里租房会让他们心里酸酸的。
I rented one for a week a few years back, looked at the couple’s profile who ran it and they literally owned 20+ apartments in central London that they were using just for Airbnb…
— Rach 🇺🇦 (@rachosaur84) October 18, 2022
3. 人们真的很讨厌从需要的人手中夺走房屋并用来短租的做法。
有网友评论:“Airbnb房东会问‘为什么没有人愿意预订我的房子?’也许是因为你驱逐了一个 4 口之家,把他们的家改成了劣质的复式公寓,装满了 TJ Maxx 的清仓装饰,向客人收取 200 美元的清洁费,所有这些都是因为你不想找个工作。”
“airbnb 就是这样一个典型的资本主义缩影。 他们本可以保持私人化,并且仍然是酒店的负担得起的替代品,但相反,他们创造了一种价格过高且对除了少数食利者之外的所有人来说越来越痛苦的体验。”
5. 如果你曾经预订过 Airbnb,你就会明白他们的意思。 在收取任意清洁费和服务费后,每晚 80 美元的房间很快就会变成 250 美元的住宿。
Over $100/night in fees. Just not a reasonable proposition. Wtf is a “service fee” anyway. If you’re doing short duration than a week, the per night fees are just undoable. Cleaning should just be an expense of renting the place. pic.twitter.com/hSeIopMZFG
— Josh Howard (@JoshhowardOR) October 16, 2022
I could get a hotel room in the same town, in a top end hotel with a waterfront view, for $300/night and not have an extra $330 in fees. I haven’t looked at Airbnb in while. This is unsustainable. pic.twitter.com/SIUvbmp19x
— Positive (@dadsof3) October 17, 2022
7.一位用户说,酒店的便利设施包括“礼宾、清洁……屋顶、酒吧、餐厅、保安、游泳池、出租车站和客房升级来提高用户忠诚度”。 然而,短租房东却频频上新闻,据称他们将摄像头藏在房间里,并根据种族拒绝客人。
Hotel has a concierge, cleaning lady, rooftop, bar, restaurant, security, pool, taxi stand, + room upgrades for loyalty
— Jannifer Gao 🌶 (@Jani__Gee) October 17, 2022
Airbnb has hidden cameras, a cleaning fee, discriminatory hosts + they ask you to take out the trash, strip your linen, and scrub the tub before you leave lmao https://t.co/6jQelgQjCd
“他们还希望你洗碗、扔垃圾、洗衣服。 我也应该在离开前做 3 道菜的饭菜吗?”
"房东的退房要求be like:你在把钥匙放进邮箱之前要喂邻居的猫,给它吃打虫药。”
I recently stayed at an Airbnb that charged a $150 cleaning fee and asked you to take out the trash, do the laundry, wash all the dishes and tip the cleaning lady. Tip the cleaning lady when I’m paying $150 and doing all the cleaning??
— Brianna (@briannayama212) October 17, 2022
来源: buzzfeed