Business Operations Manager
Altocraft USA
迈阿密国际进出口公司招聘, 给办身份,H1-B工作签证.
要求: 最低大学本科吃苦耐劳,有上进心,独立思考,反应快.有自主学习能力.工作内容包括和大公司间的订单,出货,订单跟进,广告设计和客户沟通,等. 同时也招聘cashier和仓库管理,工作人员,此类不办身份, 不需学历,待遇优惠。加微信号alizelol 注明是找工作/求职,电话/短信联系James:3056089985
Altorcraft USA, Inc. was founded in 1995 and has been Growing ever since we carry a variety of Quality Products to fit any specific need; from power tools to generators, Altocraft USA has it all.
Here at Altocraft USA, we are committed to providing you "The Solutions" to all your shipping, merchandise, and marketing needs, and bringing them to you at the lowest possible prices.
Start your journey of tool searching at, your ultimate toolbox! Find hundreds of surprises on our competitive low prices.
You can browse by categories or use our search engineer to quickly locate what you are looking for. The temperature is high here in Florida, but our prices are low.
Brand we carry:
Altocrat, Worksite, Bosch, Skil, Simpson, Cook Master, Gas One, House Guard
最近编辑时间: 2020-12-15