泸州老窖北美办事处行政助理 (Arcadia,CA)

Arcadia, CA, USA
28.5k 次浏览


零售行业,贸易,最后更新于5 年多前

泸州老窖北美办事处行政助理 (Arcadia,CA)
1. 办公室行政工作, 包括但不限于:办事处店面管理,客户接待,办事处产品/物料库存管理,办事处文案处理,会议记录,文案起草。
2. 办公室接待工作,包括但不限于:预约客人接待,Walk-in客人接待,公司内部到访人员接待,泸州老窖品牌介绍,产品介绍。
3. 办事处文件管理,包括但不限于:办事处信件,账单,市政府文件定期更新。
4. 国内公司对接,包括但不限于:办事处报销,报告编写。
1. 中文,英文流利;
2. 2年以上行政相关的工作经验;
3. 熟练掌握Office软件,如word丶excel丶ppt;
4. 具备基本的文案编辑与查错能力
5. 性格朴实丶做事细心丶学习能力强,有较强的沟通能力,能适应快节奏的工作环境;
6. 熟悉办公室行政管理知识及工作流程,熟悉公文写作格式,具备基本商务信函写作能力;
7. 如需要可出国参加公司活动。
Luzhou Laojiao North America office Administration Assistant(Arcadia,CA)
Luzhou Laojiao North America office is a sub branch of Luzhou Laojiao International Development(HK) Co., Ltd. Administration Assistant will be responsible for the daily management of North America office, and the reception of the clients.
1. Office Administration, including but not limited to: office/retail store management, clients’ reception, product storage management, office file management, meeting facilitation and drafting documents.
2. Office reception, including but not limited to: greeting and attending guests by appointment. Walk-in guests’ reception, company stuff reception, Luzhou Laojiao brand introduction, and product presenting.
3. Office documents management, including but not limited to: Office mail and bills management, updating permits or other necessary paperwork.
4. Communicating with Hongkong company, including but not limited to:reimbursement, and writing reports.
1. Fluent in Mandarin and English.
2. 2 years working experience in BA or related position
3. Familiar with MS office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
4. Basic document drafting and editing skill.
5. Attention to details, hardworking, quick learner, good communication skills, quickly adopts to a fast-paced working environment.
6. Familiar with office working environment, adapt to company culture and have basic business communicating skills and business letter writing skills.
7. Being able to travel abroad if necessary.

最近编辑时间: 2019-06-04
